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Advantages and disadvantages of bloggers for blogging

The advantages and disadvantages of bloggers to blog- Blogger is a blogging platform made by Google which until now is still one of the best choices for blogs, especially in Indonesia. This time I want to try to review about this Blogger CMS or blogspot platform.

excess blogger / blogspot

1. 100% free

yup, one of the advantages of the blogger platform or blogspot is free. This is one point why bloggers can be excellent for bloggers in Indonesia who really like free discounts and words. And, the term 100% free is not mere crap because all the features available can be accessed by users without the need for paid-upgrades or pay subscriptions.

2. Html edit access

One feature that makes me amazed and fall in love with the Blogger platform is the HTML edit feature that allows users to configure and optimize the blog as desired. This feature makes many web designers try luck by making template designs for bloggers and we can find a lot of cool blogger templates design scattered in the internet universe. Some are shared free, there are also premium (paid). But the point is, this point is a plus value considering blogger is a free platform.

3. Managed and developed by Google

in my opinion this one point can be said plus points for bloggers who are subsidiaries of Google. Because it is managed by Google, bloggers can update according to the Google Algorithm policy. Or the language is more simple, if you use blogger, our blog is automatically upgraded and adjust to the Google Algorithm update.

But it should be underlined, this point only applies to the default blogger default template user or the default blogger base template which is redesign without changing its origin script.

4. Jos server and not worrying down

We all know that bloggers are managed by one of the giant IT companies as well as possible in the world, namely Google. Servers from Google themselves are almost in all countries in the world, in Indonesia there are also. Therefore access to bloggers is very fast without the need to organize hosting or busy-busy-picked providers to host websites.

If you don't believe, you can check using pingdom and see how the results are. Super fast!

Besides being fast, the blogger server or blogspot has also never experienced a down (meaning really down). I don't know whether this is true or not, but I heard the blogger has implemented a security feature that makes the server stable from the DDoS attack or traffic bomb from the fad. But this rumor cannot be ascertained the truth considering the blogger does not officially announce about it.

The good side, by not announcing the security system applied by bloggers, wanna hackers and can not recite this platform. Remember, only hackers wanna be. If the really hacker might be able to penetrate also the blogger server security system.

5. Full features of the taste of premium service

Okay, for points this one might connect the second point about features. In my opinion, the features provided by the blogger for users are quite complete, even I can personally say more than enough.


If you notice, there are several features that are premium on other platforms but provided free by blogger, including:

Access monetization of the blog, which on the giant platform can only be done for an upgraded account.

access edit htmlwhich is usually the other free platform / cms limit this access.

Unlimited Image Storage, or Save space for image files that are not limited and have implemented a Size configuration system according to the needs of which in WordPress self-hosted, this must be adjusted or will eat bandwidth and storage hosting.

It's still some features, don't forget about sitemaps, RSS feeds, ads.txt, robot.txt, header tags, analytics, schema and others which are automatically installed without an additional plugin and have been optimized according to the needs of google search Global Console and Market.

and maybe it's still some features that I can call. If traced further, of course there are still some fancy features for the free platform.

6. User-friendly display

Like rumors circulating in early 2018, that Google is now starting to focus and prioritize mobile users. Therefore all platforms managed by Google are made user-friendly for mobile users. And of course bloggers also experience such changes.

If you've been blocked on blogger using a cellphone before 2018 you will feel the difficulty because the display of bloggers has not been set responsive for mobile users. But now, even this content is written through a cellphone.

7. Custom domain access

It's not new news if blogger users can pair their own domain on the blog without the need to buy hosting. Just need to add a A record and CNAME to be able to install your own custom domain on blogger. It is also a premium feature for CMS users, but on blogger this feature is provided free of charge.

8. Free SSL

SSL or Secured Socket Layer is an additional security feature that is useful as encryption that protects visitor data. This SSL can be seen from the domain protocol format that useshttps: //where blogs or webs that do not use SSL use formathttp: //

In addition to protecting user data, this SSL also helps increase the trust and value of our blog SEO.

Aksyatnya, SSL which is usually priced at 150-250 thousand rupiah is given for free by blogger. Of course for me this is a plus.

yes more or less that's some advantages of using blogger or blogspot to create a blog.

Lack of Blogger / Blogspot

However, behind these advantages, of course there are still shortcomings possessed by bloggers. Some of them are:

1. Uncentrized community

Different from other free platforms such as WordPress or Github which has an internal communication channel for its service users, bloggers don't have it.

Actually there is a special forum for fellow blogger users consult and chat. But the feature is not optimal. Many blogger users actually use third-party platforms such as Facebook Group or WhatsApp Group to communicate. And to find a solution to the problem of blogger, the user of the blogger service often finds a solution on Google Support or StackOverflow or even a blog that it becomes a Weakness point that is quite fatal considering that bloggers are not a new platform and the community / users are quite a lot.

2. Incomplete documentation

in my opinion this is one of the weaknesses of bloggers. Documentation is very difficult to access and understandable. Examples are documentation about the Blogger Template Update Template or Conditional Tags Blogger where the official documentation is difficult to find. There. It's just hard to find.

Better meet, the language used is a super raw language and njimet so I also have to try reading many times so that it really understands.


3. Must understand coding

Even though I said the HTML edit feature as one of the advantages of bloggers, this is also a weakness because users must want to understand about the minimum coding of front-end scripts such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If not, then it's in case this HTML edit feature.

Not to mention bloggers have several special tags that must be understood. This is an additional PR for blogger users remembering what I said in point 2, about documentation.

This one point can actually be a plus value when viewed from the point of view, "Blogger users can become coding".

but don't forget that not everyone wants to be complicated. There are some people who use bloggers to just write but they want to look at their blog cool as well as other blogs.

on the basis of consideration that I categorize this point as a lack of

4. Limited default template

This point also intersects with my previous advantage points. Although the default blogger templates have been set to adjust the needs of SEO and market, but it cannot be denied that the design offered is very limited.

Indeed the template provided can be customized in such a way, but still limited because the costume feature is limited to changing fonts, colors, and size and change the background background using images or solid color.

It will be very a plus if the blogger team is pleased to provide more choices of templates for its users. If it's difficult, at least bloggers can hire one or two Creator templates from each country so that bloggers can provide templates that are suitable for market requirements in each country such as in Indonesia that are rife with Dark Mode templates in 2020.< / p>

5. Blogger does not fully give access to market needs

still intersect with the excess points of blogger, even though I said bloggers have built a platform tailored to the world's market needs, bloggers don't fully implement this.

I take the case example when Google announces AMP mode (Accelerated Mobile Pages) as a new web development special option for Mobile Users.

This technology is developed by Google but Blogger as a subsidiary of Google itself does not provide any response and does not make any changes to the system that helps blogger users to use the amp feature.

Or in the Progressive Web App case which starts highlighted by Lighthouse, a performance analysis tool from Google. Progressive Web App requires access to implementing the serviceworker.js so that the user needs once access to the host host server. Actually there is no need to access the host server. Blogger can provide a form as well as robot.txt or ads.txt which can be accessed through the menu setting to implement a service worker.

but in fact, blogger doesn't take a response at all.

so I can draw the conclusion that bloggers don't really help users to be able to adjust blog needs with the development of global markets.

6. Powered by blogger

This might be trivial but a little annoying. Blogger users will never escape the frills blogger on their blog. There are many aspects that smell of Blogger that will be the characteristic of bloggers and make your blog discovered using a blogger platform.

We start with the Attribution Credit in the footer section that says powered by blogger with a link leading to blogger. It is true that it is only an ATTRIBUTION HTML or widget that can be removed or hidden. If it has been removed, there are still other factors that are really bloggers.

Form the comment column which is certainly characteristic of bloggers. If you use the default blogger form, you certainly know how it looks, right? You can call it by installing Third-Party Comment Forms such as Disqus or Facebook Comment and this section is complete.

There is also a distinctive feature of JSON post metadata where there is a frills blogger as a publisher. For this one you can edit and make Meta Post manually. And the problem is complete.

But there is still another one who can't you want to want anything you poding, which is the widget.js default blogger that will be seen when you open the source code from your blog. You can't get rid of or hide this source code.

In essence, a blog that uses a blogger platform must be closely with bloggers and can't be abolished. It is trivial, for some people not too important. But for others, this can be a specter that disturbs branding.

I don't know, this is my personal opinion.


maybe just my review for the advantages and disadvantages of this free blogger blogger or blogspot platform.

Apart from it all, I myself use a blogger platform as a media I blogged because of its convenience and I don't need to be complicated to think about renting hosting.

Good bad please be concluded by yourself. There may be some missed points but I think you can core points.

Hopefully this simple article has its benefits. If something is unclear, please ask through the comments column below. Thank you and see you in my other writing.

Nisfa Nurfadilah Rachmaniar
Halo, saya Nisfa. Saya adalah pengelola dari Ninura, sebuah online shop yang sekaligus media informasi dan hiburan melalui beberapa anak situsnya. Salam kenal, dan semoga betah di Ninura.

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