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How to find a lost blogger DNS

How to Find DNS CNAME Blogger Missing- You don't deliberately delete your DNS CNAME blogger and now confused about what you want? Calm down, don't panic. Please follow the following short guidelines to find CNAME for your blogger account.

Bahan yang diperlukan

  1. Internet connection
  2. Google Account

Alat yang diperlukan

    Laptop / Computer / Mobile


  1. Langkah 1 - Enter Google Webmasters Verification
  2. Langkah 2 - Add property or enter the detail verification
  3. Langkah 3 - Press the Verify Using Different Methods option
  4. Langkah 4 - Select Domain Name Provider
  5. Langkah 5 - Press Menu Add a CNAME Record
  6. Langkah 6 - Copy your unique CNAME blogger code
Estimasi Waktu: 5 menit.

Langkah 1 - Enter Google Webmasters Verification

First of all, please enter Google Webmasters Verification . After that, please log in using a Google account or your blogger account. If you have logged in before, then you will go straight to the page like the picture above.,

Langkah 2 - Add property or enter the detail verification

The next step that must be done is to enter the detail verification section. This applies if your domain has been added to Google Search Console before. If not, then please select the Add Property option then enter your domain. Make sure you enter your TLD domain, for example:,

Langkah 3 - Press the Verify Using Different Methods option

After entering the verification page, please press the button or Verify Using Different Methods option. Later you will enter the verification method menu.,

Langkah 4 - Select Domain Name Provider

On this verification page you will see many verification options. Please select the Domain Name Provider method. After that, you select your domain provider. If your domain provider service does not exist, then scroll to the bottom and select other options.,

Langkah 5 - Press Menu Add a CNAME Record

Then, please press the Add A CNAME record option as shown above.,

Langkah 6 - Copy your unique CNAME blogger code

You will see two lines of CNAME record specifically for your blogger account. Please copy it to Notepad or immediately add to your DNS domain. Keep in mind that every blogger account has a different code. So, make sure you use your own blogger account so that there are no other problems later on.

That's a little tutorial on how to find a lost CNAME DNS blogger. Hopefully this article helps and can you make references if one day you or blogger friends you have a problem like this.

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Nisfa Nurfadilah Rachmaniar
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