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Blogspot difficult to compete in terms SEO?

Blogspot Difficult to Compete in terms of SEO?- Really using blogger or blogspot difficult to compete in terms of SEO? Do you agree with that statement? Okay, let's try discussing this matter.

how are you guys, happy? Happy? Some time ago I had read from a blog of one of the experts, expert in my opinion, about the issue that the blog hosting on Blogspot would be difficult to compete in terms of SEO.

Okay, so there are some things I want to discuss:

well, that's what things I will discuss this time.

in the article I said earlier stated that the blog that was hosting on Blogspot was difficult for SEO because of the trust factor.

What is the trust factor?

So the trust factor intended here is a factor assessed by Google. Google now starts to assess the quality of a web like humans (people who visit the web). Trust factor is a way to assess a web. In essence, the trust factor is seen from:

  • How much capital is issued? The bigger the capital should be more qualified, dong.
  • how long is the content loaded? The longer the writing is increasingly qualified the blog / web. Should it, right?
  • how often content on the web / blog is updated? The more frequent updates the better the web quality.
  • How does the link building? If there are many external links, where can it be trusted?

sip. More or less that's some factors that are the assessment of the trust of a web. Indirectly, the article wants to say:

  • If the blog that is hosted on blogspot is not possible to compete, it's free.
  • if the content loaded is - it's just in vain.
  • if the update is rare, for example once a week, it can't possibly be trusted.
  • if you upload the image on the blogspot, it's an external link, tuh. To So it will be bad for SEO blogs.

Okay, if indeed Google web crawler has judged it to it. What needs to be our concern (friend who still uses blogger and me) is the first point first.

The first point is our strength, blogger that utilizes The Power of Google Server. We don't need to be complicated and worry about our blog will be jailed with people, Jingling, Bomb Click, or other criminal behavior because our blog is indirectly taken care of by Google.

My principle is still like the principle of the Kismin in general, "if there is a free and the quality is not much different, why should you pay?"

Next we have a little discuss the second point and the third point. Both of these points relate to the quality of the content and the intensity of an update of a blog. In my opinion, there is a clash between the articles I read with the beliefs that I hold firmly.

If you have read the articles, you might have the same thoughts with me, "Content is King, Quality First, Quantity Then."

means it might be like this, the content is the most important in the web. The quality of content is more important than the quantity. So, you want to write one article but is truly a solution, informative, and applicative.

When we make content that is needed by the reader, the reader will always read the content until it runs out. Because they need it.

So, in my opinion the content quantity is not directly proportional to the trusted or absence of a web. Different stories if the web news, because the chased is Hot News.

Therefore, the second and third points become Challenge for bloggers who are still brech on blogspot. You can not make high quality content, if you can exceed the content loaded on paid web webs, in a tempo not too long. One day one content is possible. So it's very possible for us who still use blogspot or blogger to compete with paid web webs.

and the last point, regarding the external link from the image. Believe it or not, I feel that doesn't have a big influence. External links can be ugly if based on the web that is not credible. But the image uploaded on blogspot is fixed on the blogspot directly whose popularity and credibility has no need to be asked again. Well, my knowledge about this is still very basic. I'm afraid there is a mistake, so please correct if there is something wrong.

What is the effect on blogger?

Regardless of the correct or absence of the hypothesis raised by the article I read, of course it will have an impact on most bloggers.

I'm sure not only I read the writing. For some young bloggers or bloggers who have just plunged into the world of blogging will be contaminated with the thought that to make a good blog must be paid, which are expensive, exclusive and other Wah matters.

and it's not impossible that there are some bloggers whose blog motivations to be famous, to sell, they are down because they think that what they do & nbsp; (Nge-Make Blogspot Blog) It was in vain.

maybe not all. But I believe, there are a small portion, or maybe most, like that.

What should be done by a blogger?

first, make sure your determination first. I did not say that the issue was raised was hoax. It's possible if it's true. So, make sure you have a clear goal for blogs.

If your purpose is to do business on the blog and still use the free and powerful service blogspot, please get ready to hire hosting or VPS. So you are not crazed in terms of SEO.

But, if your purpose is sharing, share knowledge or opinion, look for a reward field, then stay on blogspot. Take advantage of blogspots and social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Line, and other online to show your writing on the audience.

As I wrote before, "Content is King." Don't have to hesitate to believe that our content (writing) is good, benefit those who read, by itself people will recommend, share, and read other articles.

So, what you need to do is determine the choice. Move to a paid web or stay with a free blog will be the same, because what will be considered the most important is the quality of content.


In the end, I can only say, everything returns to you. I tried to give my opinion, but don't forget that I was just a learner (lay) regarding SEO and internet marketing.

But based on my personal experience using a blogger / blogspot platform to host my writing content and trade, my blog performance is quite satisfying, how come in terms of SEO. It was proven from the following search result results on Google Search Console.

Clearly, whatever you choose, drink the tea bottle of Sosro. Want a friend to move to a paid web or keep choosing a free, prioritizing content. Make sure friends Enjoy writing content for web friends and make sure the content has a positive impact on friends as writers and readers.

I believe, bloggers in Indonesia can have a positive influence on religion, nusa, and nation.

That's a bit of an opinion from the layman. Hopefully there are good things that can be taken. If there is something wrong completely from me. Comments, criticism and advice I received happily. Let's discuss our discussion. Thank you for being willing to read and see you in my other writing.

Nisfa Nurfadilah Rachmaniar
Halo, saya Nisfa. Saya adalah pengelola dari Ninura, sebuah online shop yang sekaligus media informasi dan hiburan melalui beberapa anak situsnya. Salam kenal, dan semoga betah di Ninura.
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